April 2024 Energy Insights

8 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, The Tower from Light Seers Tarot and Grouse from Medicine Cards decks for April 2024 Energy Outlook.

As I tuned in and allowed the cards to show me the message of Spirit for April 2024, this is what presented…

The first card aligns with my intention to ask, what energies are we releasing this month? The 8 of pentacles stepped forward. Typically this is a card of focus, learning, and self mastery, but today in contrary, it feels like a message of distraction, avoidance, or burn out. As we prepare for April, begin to notice for yourself, in what ways do I distract, avoid, or over-engage? What am I missing by constricting my field of view? Does this serve to expand my growth, or is it time to create new habits in my life?

The second card reflects my question, what energy are we welcoming in? The ace of cups is the beginning of a cycle of emotional refinement. A highlight for me with the imagery in this card is a strong supportive energy of galactic, cosmic influence. This high vibrational cosmic energy is flowing in to help us shift our methods towards a more loving, compassionate, and flexible way. Specifically, ways of deciding, acting, and being that originate from our most powerful energetic centre – our hearts or our intuitive “heart brain”. This month, allow yourself to expand in the ways you make decisions by connecting with your emotional needs. What feels right? What feels good? What feels expansive? The answers that arrive from the heart align much better with not only your own life path, but our collective evolution towards a healthier version of life on Earth.

“I see April 2024 as a system reboot that ushers in an individual (and eventual societal) update to help us make stronger connections with our heart-brain and attune to increased frequencies of self love as we become more confident versions of our divine selves. But that must come with first, letting go.”

The third card reflects a catalyst for this heart centred shift. Yep, the tower! What an opportunity to do some deep Spring cleaning! Everything that doesn’t align with our hearts will begin to crumble away. As we usher in these higher cosmic frequencies, anything that sits at a lower vibration will be flushed out. It simply cannot live in this higher dimension. Remember, you can a rip off the band aid slow or fast depending on your willingness to let go. Attachment to old fears, belief systems, survival mechanisms, coping strategies, ways of seeing yourself or others, even physical things or relationships can be released with confidence and ease this month so that you can create more sustainable, loving, and intuitively fueled foundation.

Finally, I asked for a Spirit animal guide to work with as we cycle through these big changes. Grouse flew in with Medicine that remind us of the spiral of life, the process of creating and releasing as we evolve and grow in our unique gifts. In the Spring the male grouse becomes highly aggressive, and boldly territorial especially when sensing fear or apprehension from others. He is quick to drive away what doesn’t feel right. However, if Grouse senses that you are calmly grounded and embodying balanced, loving self confidence, he will leave you be. Ask, what does not align with my heart? What would I prefer in its place? How do I wish to feel or be instead? Fundamentally, this shift is all about empowerment and Grouse is here to guide you!

I will continue to post on Instagram throughout the month offering ways you can support yourself. However, if you would like more support, I offer many energy healing services including Reiki, energy insights readings, and Craniosacral therapy. My website has loads of info as well as online book. As a highly trained psychic intuitive healer, I specialize in distance or online healing; I’m honoured to support you no matter where you live or where you are on your personal journey to wellness. Have a great day and an expansive month of April!

Leigh Blackburn

Owner and Intuitive Energy Healer at Ancient Cedars Reiki & Wellness located in Cumberland, BC on Vancouver Island in Canada. I offer distant and in-person Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, as well as Intuitive Energy Readings & Healings.


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